Independa, Ideal Life Collaborate on “Plug and Play” Patient Monitoring Program

Remote monitoring of home care patients is set to become more “plug and play” as Independa, remote health monitoring provider, and Ideal Life, medical monitoring device supplier, collaborate on a wireless monitoring and data cloud storage program. 

Ideal Life’s monitoring devices including scales, glucometers, pulse oximeters, and blood pressure cuffs will be equipped with Independa’s Artemis vital sign sensors. The sensors wirelessly connect to Independa’s browser-based platform and allow patient information to be stored in a data could. 

Independa’s introduced the Artemis sensors in 2011 and uses them to monitor health, activity and safety. Sensors can be set up to collect data regarding weight, pulse, room temperature, smoke, and motion. Data collected using the Artemis sensors will be automatically sent to Idependa’s cloud platform where caregivers will have access to patients’ information. 


“If somebody steps on the scale, the information comes to us,” said Kian Sanelli, CEO of Idependa. “If they have weight gain that may be of concern for them, then the triggers go off.”

Together, Independa and Artemis plan to focus on ensuring the monitoring devices are equipped with fully functioning Artemis vital sign sensors as soon as a patient receives them in effort to reduce time spent troubleshooting and collecting data. 

Right out of the box, a wireless scale or glucometer will incorporate the sensors, said Jason Goldberg, president of Ideal Life. 


Written by Erin Hegarty

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