Freedom Home Healthcare announced last week that its Pennsylvania operations as well as its private duty nursing services in New Jersey have merged with its sister company and will now be known as Epic Health Services.
Freedom Home Healthcare will retain its name for its concierge-level services for older adults in New Jersey.
“Rebranding Freedom’s Pennsylvania operations and private duty nursing services in New Jersey as Epic Health Services will enable both organizations to more clearly define their core services,” said John C. Garbarino, president and CEO of Epic.
Despite Freedom’s name and service location change, the company remains dedicated to its mission of providing in-home care for older adults and their families.
“Although the Freedom name is changing for select services and locations, Freedom will continue to be the premier provider of elder care services throughout New Jersey.”
Founded in 2003, Freedom’s full spectrum of concierge-level services includes hourly, respite and live-in care, as well as long-distance caregiving and geriatric care management. The company has three offices throughout New Jersey and provides both short- and long-term care.
The merger will not cause any disruptions in care, the company said in a statement, and clients will continue to receive the care and support they have come to know and trust from Freedom.
The name seems to be the only change, as the company also said the office staff, nurses and services will remain the same.
Since 2001, Epic Health Services has been a leading provider of pediatric and adult home health care, with a portfolio that includes private duty nursing, pediatric therapy and personal care services.
The company has offices located throughout Texas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Written by Jason Oliva