The future of long term care will rely heavily on home- and community-based services, says AARP in a recent message to lawmakers. Speaking to members of the Commission on Long-Term Care, which met last week for the second of three hearings before preparing a September report to Congress, AARP stressed the need for action that supports services delivered in communities and homes.
The organization issued a statement Friday to the Commission, urging it to act soon.
The hearing was held last week in preparation for a September deadline by which the commission is tasked with creating a report with recommendations for the future of long term care in the U.S.
The commission has asked for an extension, although it has not yet been granted by Congress.
“The Commission has a little over a month to vote on recommendations and the three hearings to date highlight the importance of expanding consumer choice of quality care options, increasing access to home and community-based services that would allow more people to stay in their homes and communities, and bolstering support for family caregivers,” said AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond.
AARP urged swift movement by the commission, with pressing long term care challenges facing the nation in its current state.
AARP hopes the Commission will use the short time it has left to offer real guidance to Congress on addressing the many challenges surrounding long-term care,” LeaMond said. “This is an opportunity to jump-start a national conversation that brings individuals, families, policymakers, businesses and other LTSS stakeholders together to pursue real change.”
Written by Elizabeth Ecker