Home Care Workers to Join Forces with Fast Food Employees for Higher Wages

As home care workers continue to voice their support for minimum wage increases, they are also continuing to align with those outside the industry to attract attention to their cause.

Home care workers are expected to join fast food workers during a nationwide strike Dec. 4, when fast food workers in at least 150 cities are expected to walk off the job as part of their demands for an industry-wide base wage of $15 per hour, according to an article by Aljazeera America.

Recently, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that it will uphold its Jan. 1, 2015 timeline for extending federal minimum wage and overtime protections to home care workers, but will temporarily delay its enforcement of the new rule.


The home health care worker campaigns share a sponsor in common with the fast food movement: The Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, “a powerful force behind many of the recent low-wage strikes,” Aljazeera says.

The proposal for upcoming strike date was put forth by Burger King and Pizza Hut employee Terrence Wise, a leader in the Kansas City, Missouri branch of the National Worker Organizing committee, a nationwide steering group of 26 fast food workers around the country, Aljazeera reports.

No civil disobedience or international rallies are being planned at this time, a spokesperson tells Aljazeera.


This isn’t the first time home health workers have rallied alongside fast-food workers. Workers from both industries nationwide came together in early September in support of a $15 hourly wage.

Read the article here.

Written by Cassandra Dowell

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