In case you missed them, here are the top headlines grabbing Home Health Care News readers’ attention this week.
Poll: Nearly 50% of Home Care Providers to Cut Staff—We polled readers to find out whether they anticipate staff numbers will fall as a result of the employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act, to take effect in 2016. Nearly half, or 48%, said they will reduce staff due to the mandate while fewer said they will not cut staff (35%) or are undecided (17%).
Former Medicare Chief Says Nonprofit Home Health Agencies Do it Better—When it comes to being a preferred provider for important patient referral sources, not-for-profit home health agencies may have a leg up on for-profits, according to a former top Medicare official.
3 Tips to Boost Home Care Morale and Lower Turnover—Training, close staff management and appropriate delegation are all components of a successful program to reduce home care turnover, providers say.
Why Home Care Is Hot In Hollywood—Receiving personalized help at home is a booming trend among older red carpet regulars looking to age in place without having to make any big changes. Entertainment insider Lisa Johnson Mandell of HGTV weighed in on the trend for HHCN.
New HHS Fall Prevention Program Keeps Seniors at Home Longer, for Cheaper—The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is banking on a new fall prevention program that aims to help seniors continue living at home longer and delay the move to costlier care settings like nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
Written by Elizabeth Ecker