Home Care Company CareLinx Partners With Lyft

An online marketplace connecting home care clients and caregivers now has partnered with a popular ride hailing company.

CareLinx, based in Bruno, California, will now offer ride hailing services on its mobile app. The rides will be provided by San Francisco-based Lyft to help older adults easily order a ride, according to a press release. Family members also can order and monitor the progress of rides for their loved one receiving home care.

“Transportation is critical for all individuals, especially those who have mobility challenges, to stay in their homes as they age without being stuck at home because of a lack of options that meet their physical needs or budget,” Sherwin Sheik, founder of CareLinx, said in the press release. “Our partnership with Lyft makes it easier for family members to organize transportation while supporting individuals with the caregiving they need to remain independent and still affordably get to where they need to go.”


In addition to the partnership, CareLinx will also be utilizing Lyft’s charitable program, LyftOne, which partners with organizations to give back to the community. Through December 9, 2017, 1% of the proceeds made from CareLinx rides scheduled through the app will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association.

This partnership is part of a growing trend of home care companies making ride-hailing more easily accessible to clients.

Written by Alana Stramowski


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