Results from a program in Maryland suggest that a Medicare benefit to cover at-home personal care services could be feasible, according to new research findings. “We think the Maryland experience is instructive,” researcher Karen Davis told Home Health Care News. Davis is professor emerita in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Johns […]
Commonwealth Fund
When it comes to the performance of the health care system overall, the United States is a mixed bag, but there’s some good news on the home health front. Some states—Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Vermont and Utah, in particular—are excelling at providing quality, affordable health care to their residents, a new report has found. Others—Louisiana, Oklahoma […]
The public now can evaluate Medicare-certified home health agencies using a five-star system, with the ratings posted online as of Thursday. While the vast majority of HHAs received around three stars, as expected, the ratings also illuminate some aspects of the industry that might be more surprising—including which states are top of the pack and […]
While long-term care services vary widely across the country, Minnesota has become a leader in the market, outperforming all other states on a number of criteria. Minnesota ranks as the top state for long-term services and supports (LTSS), while Kentucky sits at the bottom of the list, according to a report from AARP, the SCAN […]