Over the past few years, many home care providers have launched specialized dementia care business lines as a means to simultaneously boost their bottom lines and enhance quality of care. But amid the COVID-19 virus, these providers have had to adapt and tackle additional challenges compared to peers. Older adults are especially vulnerable when it […]
George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Centers Inc.
In many ways, 2019 was the year the home care industry solidified itself as a major asset to the larger health care continuum. As we head into the new year, industry leaders are looking toward the future. For Senior Helpers CEO Peter Ross, that means adult day services, which he thinks could be the next […]
With the rapidly aging population in the U.S., the need for dementia care isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The specialty remains ripe with opportunity for in-home care providers, industry experts say. In fact, the boom in specialized dementia care is a big reason why home care has taken over health care’s center stage of late. […]
Home-based care is often lauded for allowing seniors to age in place while saving the health care system thousands of dollars by decreasing hospital admissions. But with costs that don’t always come cheap to clients and nationwide caregiver shortages, home-based care isn’t without challenges. An increasingly popular way to address them is with adult day […]
In-home senior care services franchisor Senior Helpers has teamed up with the George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Center to launch a new nationwide franchising concept for Town Square, a reminiscence therapy adult day care center built to look and feel like the 1950s. The new franchising model—Senior Helpers Town Square Franchising—is officially an affiliate of […]
A major national home care franchisor has been tapped to staff the first U.S. version of a “dementia village.” Pioneered in the Netherlands, the concept involves the re-creation of a community from the 1950s. Senior Helpers, an in-home care franchise provider with 311 locations, has partnered with George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Centers, Inc., to bring […]