While Home Infusion Is The Next Big Thing In Home-Based Care, Barriers Remain  

The home infusion industry is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing number of aging patients wanting to remain in their homes. However, like many areas of home-based care, reimbursement isn’t keeping up with the cost of care. Driven by an emphasis on cost-effectiveness, containment and the desire for patients to remain at home while […]

Why CMS’s New Home Infusion Benefit Falls Short — And How to Fix It

The recently finalized home infusion benefit from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has created moderate excitement within the home health community, with some providers seeing newfound opportunities to expand their business offerings. Those who currently provide home infusion services, however, have called CMS’s new benefit “deeply flawed.” CMS finalized a permanent home […]

Home Infusion Fix Trapped by Deadlocked Congress

Home infusion providers were hoping to get a reimbursement provision through the minefield of the House and Senate, but were ultimately unsuccessful in doing so before the government shut down at 12 a.m. on Jan. 20. Though the Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Access Act (HI Therapy Access Act) has bipartisan support, it needs to be passed […]