Imagine it, a home care company that charges more than its competitors and tells clients why—because it pays its caregivers a higher wage than everyone else. A new company in the home cleaning space, Well-Paid Maids is doing just this. Private duty companies might find inspiration in the model, even if it doesn’t translate perfectly to home care. Paying […]
There has been an ever-increasing focus on recruitment and retention efforts for home care workers amid high turnover rates, the Fight for $15 movement and competition from other sectors. Given the diversity of today’s workforce, even more attention must be paid to specific populations, namely Latinos and immigrants, if home care agencies want to adequately […]
A new wage rule that increases overtime benefits for millions of American workers is expected to put some wage pressures on employers across many industries, but how much it will impact home health care is still up for debate. The Department of Labor (DOL) recently issued its new overtime salary exemption limits that will become effective December […]
Home care workers are in high demand, but the job doesn’t come with many perks. While home care workers achieved a victory when the Department of Labor ruled this group of workers were entitled to overtime and minimum wage protections, a recent report from the National Employment Law Project (NELP) reviews that nearly 2 million […]