As the demand for home-based care services continues to soar, so does the industry’s shortage of workers, with as many as 7.8 million caregiving positions projected to sit unfilled by 2026. The multimillion-dollar question for agencies remains how to survive the staffing crisis, which industry leaders have identified as the No. 1 challenge within home-based […]
Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute
As more states push to raise the minimum wage, home-based care companies must work harder than ever to attract and retain workers as competition among employers grows. In home health care, agencies’ success often depends on Medicaid reimbursement, which is not keeping up with wage inflation in some states. And in private-pay home care, increased […]
The nationwide shortage of caregivers continues to be one of the biggest industry-wide problems for home health and home care agencies, with no end in sight. And in the future, the employment crunch could become even worse than previously expected. That’s according to a new report from Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (PHI), a worker advocacy organization […]
A large proportion of home health workers in the U.S. are immigrants, according to a new study compiled with census data. But stricter immigration policies proposed by the Trump administration could reduce the number of foreign-born health care workers and further fuel the nationwide caregiver shortage, some experts say. More than 23% of home health, […]
Despite vocal outcries by home care workers for a higher minimum wage, and the belief that doing so can have an overall positive impact on the economy, wages for both U.S. home care workers and nursing assistants have either stagnated or “barely kept up with inflation over the last 10 years,” according to research conducted by […]
A new bill that seeks to cut immigration into the U.S. could make an already high workforce deficit in home health care dramatically worse, industry insiders and experts fear. The Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act, co-authored by Republican Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Perdue of Louisiana and supported by […]
There has been an ever-increasing focus on recruitment and retention efforts for home care workers amid high turnover rates, the Fight for $15 movement and competition from other sectors. Given the diversity of today’s workforce, even more attention must be paid to specific populations, namely Latinos and immigrants, if home care agencies want to adequately […]
Home care workers have been part of the dialogue throughout the 2016 presidential election, with U.S. Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton proposing tax reforms to support caregivers and Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump releasing a health plan that largely ignores impact on the home health care industry. Now, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) vows to […]
Taking inflation into account, American home care workers are actually making lesser wages than they did 10 years ago—despite their jobs being in greater demand than ever before. In fact, given the enormity of the upcoming demand for home care workers, this trend is unsustainable, according to a new research report. There are about 2.2 […]
When in-home caregivers participate in intensive training, their patients are less likely to go to the emergency room or be hospitalized, according to a recent case study conducted in California. In fact, the rate of repeated emergency room visits among patients cared for by trained workers dropped by 24% in the first year after undergoing […]