When a professional home health agency isn’t an option, family and other unpaid caregivers are often asked to pick up the slack. It’s estimated that more than 34 million people in the United States provide unpaid care to individuals 50 and older. The economic impact of those services is far from trivial. Indeed, unpaid caregivers—largely […]
Pew Research Center
Happy Monday, dearest Home Health Care News readers. We hope you made the most of your weekend. To kick off your week, check in with our Monday Briefing to catch up on the latest news in home health care and around the web—like this Pew study that found a whopping one-third of seniors don’t even […]
Americans are living with their parents and grandparents at record levels, even though the Great Recession is now a thing of the past, according to a new analysis of census data from the Pew Research Center. In 2014, a record-high 60.6 million people lived with multiple generations in one household, according to the analysis. That number […]
Older Americans are pretty familiar with the concept of a shared economy—and that may bode well for their eventually choosing to age in place at home. In fact, many older adults, may very well may have taken an Uber ride and bought used goods online this week, according to a new research report from Pew […]
As April came to a close, readers were eager for information about preventing falls and the upcoming reporting requirements related to the IMPACT Act. Provocative questions about the “Uber-ization” of home health also got a lot of attention. Heading into the weekend, we invite you to take a look at what some of our favorite […]