It seems the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) learned from a rocky rollout for its Medicare face-to-face rule, as it released similar regulations with several key distinctions last week for home care services covered by Medicaid. “We’re very appreciative of the Medicaid program taking the time to develop the rule so that it […]
Home health care agencies are staring down the prospect of a $350 million Medicare payment cut in 2016, so they could be forgiven for seeing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as an enemy. But it’s not quite so simple, according to Tracey Moorhead, CEO and president of the Visiting Nurse Associations of […]
Home health agencies may soon have yet another reason to enter into financial arrangements with hospitals. Under a Medicare model proposed today, hospitals would have more financial incentives to work with HHAs and other post-acute providers for patients who undergo hip and knee replacements. Under this five-year bundled payment initiative, all hospitals in 75 geographic […]
Newly proposed Medicare payment policies for 2016 likely will create advantages for larger providers and stimulate merger and acquisition activity, while smaller players could be forced out of business, industry leaders and market analysts say. Home health agencies (HHAs) would see an overall $350 million reduction in Medicare payments in calendar year 2016 if the […]