Language Barriers in Home Health Put Patient Outcomes at Risk

A lack of diverse language skills among the home care workforce is putting patients with limited English proficiency at risk, according to a recent study. Language gaps with their caregivers put some people at higher risk of adverse events, higher risks of 30-day readmissions, and longer length of stay in both inpatient and emergency room […]

Senate Staff Sees Older Americans Act in Action, Shadows Home Care Worker

Last week, staff members of the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Care and Aging shadowed an in-home care worker following introduced reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA).  The Subcommittee staff comprised of Sophie Kasimow, Erica Solway and Bill Gendell, visited the home of 85-year old Irene White, an 85-year-old Washington, D.C. resident with Alzheimer’s disease. […]