A new technology platform is aiming to make it easier for those who are not “tech savvy” to navigate smart phones.
The technology, “Wiser Simple Launcher” works via Google Play by bypassing the Android platform and launch screen and presenting instead a much simpler, more streamlined version.
Contacts are identified with photos in addition to names to help with easy dialing, and icons have large, easy-to-read navigation. The platform was designed with all audiences in mind, its creator, UIU Ltd. says.
“This is about making the benefits of today’s mobile technology accessible to everyone, not just digital natives,” said Amir Kupervas, CEO of UIU. “By focusing on non-tech savvy audiences, we can boost the applicability of a range of products available on smartphones, from eHealth to online education. Wiser Simple Launcher overcomes a key barrier-to-entry for mobile devices by making them simpler, all while maintaining their key functionality.”
The home screen can be customized for the user’s needs, and aims to provide easier and quicker access to “favorites” that he or she may utilized regularly.
Written by Elizabeth Ecker