In an attempt to branch out, more personal home care agencies are looking to acquire companies in other sectors. Those additions, the companies believe, will allow them to unlock opportunities and stand out among their peers. A prime example is Best of Care Inc., which purchased Moving Mentor Inc. – a move management, organizing and […]
Best of Care
Best of Care diversifies offerings through latest acquisition The Boston-based Best of Care is the latest home care provider to diversify its offerings through acquisition. Last month, the company announced that it acquired Moving Mentor, which is a “management, organization and consulting company.” Broadly, Moving Mentor helps families strategize and plan moves. It specifically tailors […]
Home-based care agencies all across the country are racing toward – or already moved past – effective dates of vaccine mandates in their respective areas. And as they continue staff-education efforts internally while following outside legal challenges to mandates, providers are struggling to keep workers who refuse to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. “We […]
States continue to open up COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to home-based care workers. Despite encouragement from industry leaders, some caregivers remain ambivalent about getting vaccinated. That’s not surprising, as there is a significant degree of vaccine hesitancy among all health care professionals. Roughly 15% of surveyed health care workers have turned down the opportunity to be […]