For providers of home health and home-based care, managing audits is an ongoing challenge. While the Prospective Payment System (PPS) had several iterations, it was the reimbursement model for the past 20 years. That comfort level changed with the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM), as billing has become an even more complex operation for agency back […]
SimiTree Healthcare Consulting
With the market for home-based care continuing to grow, providers need to make sure their employees are ready for a digital future in the space. They also need to focus on what their employees want out of a career, and should be able to pivot and adapt as the industry evolves. Those were the main […]
Value-based care remains a loaded term in the home health care industry. But nonetheless, its prevalence is growing by the day. Industry insiders have recently told Home Health Care News that likely less than 5% of industry business is conducted through value-based contracts. Contrasted with that is what 42% of providers say, which is that […]
Home health agencies and other Medicare-reimbursed health care providers are just a couple weeks away from the return of sequestration. For many agencies, the restart of the 2% cut will merely be a return to normal, pre-pandemic business. For others, however, it presents another cash-flow disruption that could, at worst, put some smaller operators out […]
Encompass Health, Baptist Health South Florida expand JV partnership Encompass Health Corporation (NYSE: EHC) and Baptist Health South Florida have expanded a joint venture agreement to include the Baptist Health home health agency in Miami. Under the joint venture expansion, Encompass Health’s home health services will be added to Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. The partnership […]
With OASIS-E set for Jan. 1 of 2023, home health providers need to begin preparing now, if they haven’t already. After delays related to the public health emergency, OASIS-E is finally being implemented next year in order to line up with the start of the nationwide expansion of the Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) Model. […]
Home health providers have over half a year of “no-pay RAPs” under their belts now. Just like COVID-19 and the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM), their adaptation to that change has been based on their size, capabilities and location, among other factors. But for the most part, the fear of having a significant amount of cash […]
The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its FY 2022 home health proposed payment rule on Monday, while simultaneously announcing plans for the nationwide expansion of the industry’s value-based purchasing demo. While just a few days have gone by, home health stakeholders have already started to zero-in on several key areas — […]
Last year hit home health agencies with a cash flow triple whammy. First, the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) took effect January 1, and cut billing periods in half, from 60 days to 30, leaving agencies tight on cash flow for the first few months under the new payment model. Next, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid […]
The post-acute care space has been undergoing a wave of consolidation for the past few years. And as more providers come together, the businesses that serve them are beginning to do the same. The newest example of that trend came Tuesday, when the Connecticut-based Simione Healthcare Consultants and Pennsylvania-based BlackTree Healthcare Consulting revealed plans to […]