Changemakers: Joel Theisen, Founder and CEO, Lifesprk

Minnesota-based whole person senior services provider Lifesprk is working to change the experiences people have as they age. Led by founder and CEO Joel Theisen, Lifesprk is doing so by leveraging people, processes and technology. The company’s overall goal: to create a meaningful experience that allows older adults to maintain their passions and social well-being […]

Changemakers: Paul Kusserow, President and CEO, Amedisys

When Paul Kusserow was named CEO of Amedisys Inc. (Nasdaq: AMED) in December 2014, he knew he was taking over a “hub-and-spoke” business model that was in a downward tailspin. One major issue was that Amedisys had “completely lost touch” with the home health care market and the clinicians it’s built on, according to Kusserow. […]

Changemakers: Elliott Wood, President and CEO, Medalogix

Facing a new payment model and the ongoing shift toward value-based care, home health providers must deal with change on a regular basis. And Nashville, Tennessee-based predictive analytics company Medalogix is positioning itself as a changemaking guide. Led by CEO Elliott Wood, Medalogix is working to bridge the gap between data and action, helping home […]

Changemakers: Jon Rousseau, President and CEO, BrightSpring Health Services

Since joining BrightSpring Health Services in the fourth quarter of 2016, CEO and President Jon Rousseau has helped lead a massive transformation of the Louisville, Kentucky-based home- and community-based health services provider. In August 2018, for example, Rousseau implemented a brand-revitalization consistent with an updated business strategy, with BrightSpring officially moving away from its former […]

Introducing the 2020 HHCN Changemakers Class

The U.S. health care system’s ongoing shift toward the home is changing how, when and where care services are delivered. Within this constantly evolving landscape, the home health and home care industries have turned to Changemakers for direction. Among their accomplishments, such mavericks of change are embracing new payment models, reshaping the in-home care market […]

Changemakers: Shelly Sun, Founder and CEO, BrightStar Care

With a background in accounting rather than home care, BrightStar Care founder and CEO Shelly Sun has embodied changemaking from the inception of her company, which today is a franchiser of in-home care services spanning more than 340 locations in the U.S. with several lines of business. Having launched the Illinois-based company in 2002, BrightStar […]